NBD Company Number:36VN0201284489

The latest trade data of this company is 2022-11-24

VIETNAM Importer/Exporter

Data Source:Customs Data

Records:179 Buyers:1 Suppliers:7

Related Product HS Code: 72193200 73041900 73043140


VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-05-17. It is the first time for VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD. to appear in the customs data of the VIETNAM,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 179 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD., 1 procurers and 7 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.

VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD. 2020 Present Trade Trend Statistics
Year Import/Export Partner Count Category Count Region Count Entries Total Total Value
2022 Export 1 1 1 11 0
2022 Import 4 2 2 78 0
2021 Export 1 2 1 15 0
2021 Import 5 3 2 75 0

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Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2022-11-24.

Recent customs import and export records of VIET METAL EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD. are as follows:

Date Imp & Exp HS CODE Product Description Country Imp or Exp Company Details
2022-11-24 Import 73041900 Thé.p ống đúc không hợp kim kéo nóng, rỗng,không hàn,không nối,cómặt cắt ngang hình tròn,dùng dẫn dầu dẫn khí dân dụng.TC ASTM A106 GR.B/API 5L GR.B,kích thước OD168.3mm,dày 7.11mm,dài 6m.Hàng mới 100% CHINA S***. More
2022-11-24 Import 73041900 Thé.p ống đúc không hợp kim kéo nóng,rỗng,không hàn,không nối,có mặtcắt ngang hình tròn,dùng dẫn dầu dẫn khí dân dụng.TC ASTM A106 GR.B/API 5L GR.B, kích thước OD76mm,dày 4.0mm,dài 6m.Hàng mới 100%. CHINA S***. More
2022-11-24 Import 73041900 Thé.p ống đúc không hợp kim kéo nóng,rỗng,không hàn,không nối,có mặt cắt ngang hình tròn,dùng dẫn dầu dẫn khí dân dụng.TC ASTM A106 GR.B/API 5L GR.B, kích thước OD88.9mm,dày 4.0mm,dài 6m.Hàng mới 100% CHINA S***. More
2022-11-24 Import 73041900 Thé.p ống đúc không hợp kim kéo nóng,rỗng,không hàn,không nối,có mặt cắt ngang hình tròn,dùng dẫn dầu dẫn khí dân dụng.TC ASTM A106 GR.B/API 5L GR.B, kích thước OD42.2mm,dày 3.56mm,dài 6m.Hàng mới 100% CHINA S***. More
2022-10-26 Import 73041900 Hot-drawn, hollow, seamless, welded, non-alloy steel pipe with circular cross-section, used for civil gas pipeline.TC ASTM A106 GR.B/API 5L GR.B, size OD168.3mm , 7.11mm thick, 6m long.100% brand new CHINA S***. More
2022-07-14 Export 72193200 Thép không gỉ cán nguội, dạng tấm, phẳng, SUS316/2B, độ dày 3.0mm. Kích thước: 3.0mmx1500mmx2500mm. Hàng mới 100%.#&MY VIETNAM C***M More
2022-06-02 Export 72193200 Stainless steel cold rolled, plate, flat, sus316/2b, thickness 3.0mm. Size: 3.0mmx1500mmx2500mm. 100% new products VIETNAM C***M More
2022-05-04 Export 72193200 Stainless steel cold rolled, plate, flat, sus316L/2B, thickness 3.0mm. Size: 3.0mmx1219mmx2500mm. 100%new products JP VIETNAM C***M More
2022-05-04 Export 72193200 Stainless steel cold rolled, plate, flat, sus316/2b, thickness 3.0mm. Size: 3.0mmx1500mmx2500mm. 100%new products My VIETNAM C***M More
2022-04-14 Export 72193200 Stainless steel cold rolled, plate, flat, sus316/2b, thickness 3.0mm. Size: 3.0mmx1500mmx2500mm. 100%new products.#& My VIETNAM C***M More