Many companies encounter issues when searching for company names during trials, reporting that they are certain these companies are involved in import and export activities, yet they cannot find them on the platform. This problem primarily arises from two main reasons:
Data Source Limitations: Our data covers foreign trade companies based on publicly available information from 40 leading countries, but it does not include all global trade companies. If you are searching for records from countries not covered, there is a high likelihood that you will not find the data. Additionally, the coverage of trade and shipping data and AAE data may be incomplete, resulting in some companies’ trade records not being included in the database.
Furthermore, some companies have applied for privacy protection and do not disclose their transaction data publicly. For instance, U.S. trade companies are allowed to apply for privacy protection. Additionally, companies that use freight forwarders for customs declarations may have their records listed under the freight forwarder's name rather than their own. In these cases, it is challenging to find the original company’s trade data.
Search Method Issues: Sometimes, companies do not follow a standardized or consistent format when declaring their names to customs. Searching by company name alone may result in multiple entries for the same company under different names. It is essential to verify that the company name used in the search matches the name declared to customs.
Therefore, if you cannot find company records on the platform, please consider the above factors. Utilize fuzzy search options to broaden your search scope and prevent issues caused by variations in spelling or naming. Additionally, narrowing the search by selecting specific countries can help refine your results and improve the accuracy of your search.