NBD Company Number:UXH189502859

The latest trade data of this company is 2025-01-13


Data Source:Customs Data

Records:6643 Buyers:0 Suppliers:1

Related Product HS Code: 39239000 420222 42029231 48191000 49111000 61046320 640419 64646464 94036080


IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2023-08-15. It is the first time for IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC to appear in the customs data of the UNITED STATES,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 6643 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC, 0 procurers and 1 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.

IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC 2020 Present Trade Trend Statistics
Year Import/Export Partner Count Category Count Region Count Entries Total Total Value
2023 Import 1 6 6 1391 0

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Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2025-01-13.

Recent customs import and export records of IMPORT MANAGER OF GEODIS USA LLC are as follows:

Date Imp & Exp HS CODE Product Description Country Imp or Exp Company Details
2025-01-13 Import FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6660632 6660633 6660634 66 60635 6660636 6660637 7652887 "SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO WOOD PACKING MATERIAL(WPM)" CHINA N***A More
2025-01-13 Import FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6612157 6627736 6644170 66 52367 6652368 6652369 6654319 6654322 66543256654328 6654331 6654532 6654534 6654536 6654 538 6654540 6657470 6657471 6657475 6662088 7FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6612157 6627736 6644170 66 52367 6652368 6652369 6654319 6654322 66543256654328 6654331 6654532 6654534 6654536 6654 538 6654540 6657470 6657471 6657475 6662088 7FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6612157 6627736 6644170 66 52367 6652368 6652369 6654319 6654322 66543256654328 6654331 6654532 6654534 6654536 6654 538 6654540 6657470 6657471 6657475 6662088 7FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6612157 6627736 6644170 66 52367 6652368 6652369 6654319 6654322 66543256654328 6654331 6654532 6654534 6654536 6654 538 6654540 6657470 6657471 6657475 6662088 7 CHINA N***A More
2025-01-13 Import FOOTWEAR P.O. NO.6648510 6651156 6651166 665 1167 6654337 6654341 6655060 6655061 6655999 6656000 6656001 6656002 6657601 6657602 6657605 6660050 6660919 6660922 6662397 7650826 76FOOTWEAR P.O. NO.6648510 6651156 6651166 665 1167 6654337 6654341 6655060 6655061 6655999 6656000 6656001 6656002 6657601 6657602 6657605 6660050 6660919 6660922 6662397 7650826 76FOOTWEAR P.O. NO.6648510 6651156 6651166 665 1167 6654337 6654341 6655060 6655061 6655999 6656000 6656001 6656002 6657601 6657602 6657605 6660050 6660919 6660922 6662397 7650826 76FOOTWEAR P.O. NO.6648510 6651156 6651166 665 1167 6654337 6654341 6655060 6655061 6655999 6656000 6656001 6656002 6657601 6657602 6657605 6660050 6660919 6660922 6662397 7650826 76 CHINA N***A More
2025-01-13 Import FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6648734 6648735 6656075 66 56077 6656561 6656579 6657568 6657571 66575726657700 6667000 6667916 6671234 6671235 6671 254 6673638 6673639 7657327 7661143 7666608 7FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6648734 6648735 6656075 66 56077 6656561 6656579 6657568 6657571 66575726657700 6667000 6667916 6671234 6671235 6671 254 6673638 6673639 7657327 7661143 7666608 7FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6648734 6648735 6656075 66 56077 6656561 6656579 6657568 6657571 66575726657700 6667000 6667916 6671234 6671235 6671 254 6673638 6673639 7657327 7661143 7666608 7FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6648734 6648735 6656075 66 56077 6656561 6656579 6657568 6657571 66575726657700 6667000 6667916 6671234 6671235 6671 254 6673638 6673639 7657327 7661143 7666608 7 CHINA N***A More
2025-01-13 Import FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6644147 6656226 6656227 6 656228 6657498 6660163 6660165 6663272 6663274 6664513 6664576 6666125 6666580 6669044 6669170 6670877 6671873 7640511 7642087 7642088FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6644147 6656226 6656227 6 656228 6657498 6660163 6660165 6663272 6663274 6664513 6664576 6666125 6666580 6669044 6669170 6670877 6671873 7640511 7642087 7642088FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6644147 6656226 6656227 6 656228 6657498 6660163 6660165 6663272 6663274 6664513 6664576 6666125 6666580 6669044 6669170 6670877 6671873 7640511 7642087 7642088FOOTWEAR P.O. NO. 6644147 6656226 6656227 6 656228 6657498 6660163 6660165 6663272 6663274 6664513 6664576 6666125 6666580 6669044 6669170 6670877 6671873 7640511 7642087 7642088 CHINA N***A More