NBD Company Number:NBDML104450391

Address:42, Gwangdeok 4-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, GYEONGGI-DO Gyeonggi-do 015440

The latest trade data of this company is 2025-02-22

KOREA Importer/Exporter

Data Source:List Data

Records:268 Buyers:14 Suppliers:1

Related Product HS Code: 90248010


ROLL PACK CO., LTD. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-01-27. It is the first time for ROLL PACK CO., LTD. to appear in the customs data of the KOREA,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 268 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of ROLL PACK CO., LTD., 14 procurers and 1 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.

ROLL PACK CO., LTD. 2020 Present Trade Trend Statistics
Year Import/Export Partner Count Category Count Region Count Entries Total Total Value
2023 Export 7 4 1 59 0
2022 Export 10 4 1 133 0
2021 Export 3 2 2 11 0
2021 Import 1 1 1 1 0
2020 Export 3 5 2 9 0

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Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of ROLL PACK CO., LTD. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of ROLL PACK CO., LTD. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2025-02-22.

Recent customs import and export records of ROLL PACK CO., LTD. are as follows:

Date Imp & Exp HS CODE Product Description Country Imp or Exp Company Details
2021-09-27 Import 90248010 PULP & PAPER TESTING INSTRUMENTS DIGITA INDIA U***. More
2025-02-22 Export 3917320020 FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS 2159421 VP 4-11 16' 2-8 20' ROLS BONUS 6HSB SAMS 1,560 CTNS P/O NO. 4504344237 HTS CODE: 3917.32.0020 UNITED STATES N***- More
2025-02-07 Export 3917320020 FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS 2185571 OS 8 X15' ROLS 2PK 4,459 CTNS P/O NO. 4504331873 HTS CODE:3917.32.0020 INVOICE NO.:RP011325-1 UNITED STATES N***- More
2025-01-19 Export 3917320020 FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS 2159421 VP 4-11 16' 2-8 20' ROLS BONUS 6HSB SAMS 3,120 CTNS P/O NO. 4504337084 HTS CODE:3917.32.0020FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS 2159421 VP 4-11 16' 2-8 20' ROLS BONUS 6HSB SAMS 3,120 CTNS P/O NO. 4504337084 HTS CODE:3917.32.0020 UNITED STATES N***Z More
2024-11-23 Export 3917320020 FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS 2159421 VP 4-11 16' 2-8 20' ROLS BONUS 6HSB SAMS 2,866 CTNS P/O NO. 4504309767 HTS CODE: 3917.32.0020 UNITED STATES N***Z More
2024-11-22 Export 3917320020,2159400 FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS - OF FOODSAVER ROLLS AND BAGS 2159380 OS 8"20' ROLS 2PK 1,960 CTNS P/O NO. 4504250621 HTS CODE:3917.32.0020 2159400 OS 8"20' ROLS 1PK 270 CTNS P/O NO. 4504316310 HTS CODE:3917.32.0020 2159418 OS 11" ROL EXPNDBL FSV 1PK 250 CTNS P/O NO. 4504302583 HTS CODE:3917.32.0020 INVOICE NO.:RP110124 UNITED STATES N***C More