NBD Company Number:NBDD2Y323591315
Address:QXQR+P6V, Long An, Long Thành, Đồng Nai, Vietnam
The latest trade data of this company is 2024-11-29
VIETNAM Importer/Exporter
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:2433 Buyers:39 Suppliers:29
Related Product HS Code: 38220090 39173299 39269099 40103900 40169390 49119990 52010000 52052200 52052300 52052400 52054200 52079000 56029000 56039400 59100000 59119090 68132090 69091900 73079290 73269099 76169990 84123100 84133090 84483900 84716090 84818099 84821000 84831090 84835000 85030090 85043199 85043259 85235119 85285910 85365099 85371019 85371099 96031020
DONG-IL VIETNAM was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-11-12. It is the first time for DONG-IL VIETNAM to appear in the customs data of the VIETNAM,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 2433 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of DONG-IL VIETNAM, 39 procurers and 29 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2023 | Export | 16 | 4 | 5 | 561 | 0 |
2022 | Export | 24 | 7 | 8 | 799 | 0 |
2022 | Import | 25 | 31 | 9 | 180 | 0 |
2021 | Export | 16 | 5 | 5 | 236 | 0 |
2021 | Import | 8 | 17 | 7 | 53 | 0 |
Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of DONG-IL VIETNAM , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of DONG-IL VIETNAM and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2024-11-29.
Recent customs import and export records of DONG-IL VIETNAM are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2022-09-23 | Import | 52010000 | Xơ bông chưa chải thô hoặc chưa chải kỹ, tạp chất tối đa 1%(bông thiên nhiên - 1pound=0.453593 kg),BRAZILIAN RAW COTTON 2022CROP(BCI INCLUDED)MIDDLING1-1/8MIC3.7/4.7NCLMIN28GPT.KQGD:1392(27/11/2018). | BRAZIL | T***, | More |
2022-09-16 | Import | 52010000 | Xơ bông chưa chải thô hoặc chưa chải kỹ, tạp chất tối đa 1%(bông thiên nhiên - 1pound=0.453593 kg),BRAZILIAN RAW COTTON 2021CROP(BCI INCLUDED)MIDDLING1-1/8MIC3.7/4.7NCLMIN28GPT.KQGD:1392(27/11/2018). | BRAZIL | T***, | More |
2022-09-15 | Import | 52010000 | Xơ bông chưa chải thô hoặc chưa chải kỹ, tạp chất tối đa1%(bông thiên nhiên-1 pound=0.453593 kg),AMERICAN RAW COTTON EMOT 2021/22CROP.KQGĐ số:1217/KĐ 4-TH19/09/2019.HANGLANGUYENLIEUSANXUAT. | UNITED STATES | C***. | More |
2022-09-08 | Import | 39269099 | Phễu xoắn sợi bằng nhựa-FLYER CAP (SMOOTH). Phụ tùng máy sợi thô . Hàng mới 100% | JAPAN | T*** | More |
2022-09-06 | Import | 94054099 | Bóng đèn của màn hình hiển thị thông số kỹ thuật-A10 Tube Backlight.Phụ tùng máy kéo sợi . Hàng mới 100% | TAIWAN (CHINA) | B***. | More |
2024-11-29 | Export | 52052200 | 100% COTTON YARN. 100% NEW. (UNIT WEIGHT OF SOI NE/ 1000 M = NE 20/1)/100PCT COMBED COTTON (BCI) YARN NE.20/1 IN GREY ON CONE, WAXED FOR KNITTING.#&VN | KOREA | S***. | More |
2024-11-27 | Export | 52052200 | 100% COTTON YARN. 100% NEW. (UNIT WEIGHT OF SOI NE/ 1000 M = NE 20/1)/100PCT COMBED COTTON (BCI) YARN NE.20/1 IN GREY ON CONE, WAXED FOR KNITTING.#&VN | KOREA | S***. | More |
2024-11-27 | Export | 52052300 | 100% COTTON YARN. 100% NEW. (YARN WEIGHT UNIT NE/1000 M = NE.30/1)/100PCT COMBED COTTON YARN NE.30/1 IN GREY ON CONE, WAXED FOR KNITTING.#&VN | KOREA | D***. | More |
2024-11-25 | Export | 52052200 | 100% COTTON YARN. 100% NEW. (UNIT WEIGHT OF SOI NE/ 1000 M = NE 20/1)/100PCT COMBED COTTON (BCI) YARN NE.20/1 IN GREY ON CONE, WAXED FOR KNITTING.#&VN | KOREA | S***. | More |
2024-11-22 | Export | 52052300 | 100% COTTON YARN. 100% NEW. (UNIT WEIGHT OF SOI NE/ 1000 M = NE 30/1)/100PCT COMBED COTTON (BCI) YARN NE.30/1 SLUB IN GREY ON CONE, WAXED FOR KNITTING. (#872)#&VN | KOREA | S***. | More |