AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-11-12. It is the first time for AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM to appear in the customs data of the VIETNAM,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 869015 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM, 1551 procurers and 279 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.

AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM 2020 Present Trade Trend Statistics
Year Import/Export Partner Count Category Count Region Count Entries Total Total Value
2023 Export 870 65 47 224027 0
2022 Export 1011 66 53 314277 0
2022 Import 248 160 31 20682 0
2021 Export 635 33 44 64819 0
2021 Import 157 103 23 6692 0

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Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2024-09-30.

Recent customs import and export records of AVERY DENNISON RIS VIỆT NAM are as follows:

Date Imp & Exp HS CODE Product Description Country Imp or Exp Company Details
2024-06-13 Import 85235910 4-216238-186-01 MARKS & SPENCER PMS 186CM&S 2.56 X1.34 LABEL..2600 INDIA A***D More
2024-06-13 Import 85235910 4-216238-186-01 MARKS & SPENCER PMS 186CM&S 2.56 X1.34 LABEL..2600 INDIA A***D More
2024-06-13 Import 85235910 4-216238-186-01 MARKS & SPENCER PMS 186CM&S 2.56 X1.34 LABEL..2600 INDIA A***D More
2022-09-30 Import 85235200 Thẻ chíp RFID 5-603916-333-00 GENERIC RETAILER.76x38mm INKJET RFID Label with....... (Dùng trong ngành may mặc) (Mới 100% chưa có nội dung) CHINA P***. More
2022-09-30 Import 85235200 Thẻ chíp RFID RF200103 3.25'' X 1.5'' (Dùng trong ngành may mặc) (Mới 100% chưa có nội dung) CHINA P***. More
2024-10-30 Export 48211090 1-322849-000-00#&PAPER LABEL (PRINTED) PENTLAND BP..LACBDC.PAPER SEMI GLOSS -.B 60X40 (100% NEW)#&VN VIETNAM N***. More
2024-10-30 Export 48211090 PAPER LABEL (PRINTED) POLO - RALPH LAUREN.100116854A_WCS.AD111 40X90MM 100% NEW#&VN VIETNAM T***. More
2024-10-30 Export 48211090 PAPER LABEL (PRINTED) POLO - RALPH LAUREN..100018407_WCS.AW329 40X78MM 100% NEW#&VN VIETNAM T***. More
2024-10-30 Export 48211090 1-224327-002-00#&PAPER LABEL (PRINTED) WOLVERINE WORLD WIDE INC.WOL-UCLBLW-G2.. 101.6X304.801 (100% NEW)#&VN VIETNAM E***. More
2024-10-30 Export 48211090 PAPER LABEL (PRINTED) PUMA AG..LP-005668-000.STICKER -...... 60X50MM 100% NEW#&VN VIETNAM T***) More