NBD Company Number:44N100165985
Address:100 Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 00800, Sri Lanka
The latest trade data of this company is 2025-01-30
SRI LANKA Importer/Exporter
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:11744 Buyers:2 Suppliers:425
Related Product HS Code: 04021090 11081200 11081300 13019019 13022000 13023100 15099090 15153090 15219090 17019990 17021110 17023020 17023039 17024039 17025000 17029010 21021090 25010090 25051019 25070029 25081090 25199010 26161000 27101990 27122000 27129090 28012000 28049000 28051900 28091000 28092020 28100020 28111990 28112200 28112910 28151110 28151190 28152000 28164000 28182090 28201000 28211010 28230010 28251090 28255000 28259020 28259040 28261910 28261990 28271000 28273100 28273500 28273930 28273990 28275110 28276010 28276020 28289090 28299010 28309010 28321090 28322090 28323090 28331100 28332100 28332290 28332500 28332940 28332990 28333090 28334000 28341010 28342100 28342990 28352200 28352400 28352690 28352930 28352990 28353900 28362090 28363000 28364000 28365000 28369990 28372020 28402090 28415090 28417090
ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS PVT.LTD. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-01-26. It is the first time for ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS PVT.LTD. to appear in the customs data of the SRI LANKA,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 11744 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS PVT.LTD., 2 procurers and 425 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2023 | Export | 1 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
2023 | Import | 108 | 328 | 26 | 2313 | 0 |
2022 | Import | 169 | 420 | 32 | 1867 | 0 |
2021 | Export | 1 | 154 | 1 | 238 | 0 |
2021 | Import | 228 | 552 | 29 | 4284 | 0 |
2020 | Import | 21 | 236 | 1 | 1183 | 0 |
Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS PVT.LTD. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS PVT.LTD. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2025-01-30.
Recent customs import and export records of ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS PVT.LTD. are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2025-01-30 | Import | 38229090 | BROMCRESOL GR-METH RED PP PK/100 (94399)(REAGENT) | INDIA | H***. | More |
2025-01-30 | Import | 38229090 | ETHYLENE GLYCOL 1000ML (203953) (REAGENT) | INDIA | H***. | More |
2025-01-30 | Import | 38229090 | HYDROXY HYDROCH, 100G/L 100ML (81842) (REAGENT) | INDIA | H***. | More |
2025-01-30 | Import | 38229090 | NITROGEN, AMMONIA 10MG/L 500ML (15349) (REAGENT) | INDIA | H***. | More |
2025-01-30 | Import | 90273020 | aa DR3900 SPECTROPHOTOMETER W/O RFID (LPV440.99.00002) | INDIA | H***. | More |
2024-10-18 | Export | 84139190 | 93101398 DEMO PUMP FOR EXHIBITION AND DISPLAY PART OF PUMP (RE-IMPORT# SB3599455/30.08.24) | INDIA | G***. | More |
2024-10-18 | Export | 84137010 | 93013252 SCALA2 3-45 200-240V 50/60HZ CENTRIFUGAL PUMP (PRIMARILY DESIGNED TO HANDLE WATER)RE-IMPORT# SB3599455/30.08.24 | INDIA | G***. | More |
2023-04-26 | Export | 90318000 | Heavy Metal Analyzer of United Nation 02 WEIGHING 06 KGS...........MOFA EXEMPTION CERTICICATE NO 821 DATED 13-04-23 IS SCANNED AND ATTACHED.... | PAKISTAN | U***S | More |
2023-03-27 | Export | 90258090 | Water Purification Equipments Dhygrometer Humiditymeter | PAKISTAN | U***S | More |