NBD Company Number:39AR3063093706

Address:Km 1553,5, RN12, N3382 Col. Victoria, Misiones, Argentina

The latest trade data of this company is 2025-01-21


Data Source:Customs Data

Records:448 Buyers:18 Suppliers:0

Related Product HS Code: 44123900 82082000 84659900 84669200


FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-02-24. It is the first time for FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L. to appear in the customs data of the ARGENTINA,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 448 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L., 18 procurers and 0 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.

FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L. 2020 Present Trade Trend Statistics
Year Import/Export Partner Count Category Count Region Count Entries Total Total Value
2023 Export 3 3 2 18 0
2023 Import 0 18 4 39 0
2022 Export 6 4 12 157 0
2022 Import 0 6 3 18 0
2021 Export 6 2 2 64 0
2021 Import 0 5 3 13 0
2020 Export 8 4 4 90 0
2020 Import 0 1 1 4 0

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Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2025-01-21.

Recent customs import and export records of FORESTAL ELDORADO S.R.L. are as follows:

Date Imp & Exp HS CODE Product Description Country Imp or Exp Company Details
2025-01-21 Export PINE TAEDA APG S4S 18 BUNDLE S 4320 PIECES 52,38 CBM ORD ER N: PO WTD-24-506 TOTAL N ET WEIGHT: 121880,00 KGS TOTA L GROSS WEIGHT: 122880,00 KGS NCM: 4407.11.00 PE: 24 084 E C01 005419ZPINE TAEDA APG S4S 18 BUNDLE S 8640 PIECES 50,64 CBM ORD ER N: PO WTD-24-503PINE TAEDA APG S4S 18 BUNDLE S 4320 PIECES 52,38 CBM ORD ER N: PO WTD-24-507PINE TAEDA APG S4S 20 BUNDLE S 9600 PIECES 50,11 CBM ORD ER N: PO WTD-24-494PINE TAEDA APG S4S 16 BUNDLE S 4640 PIECES 52,07 CBM ORD ER N: PO WTD-24-502 UNITED STATES W***. More
2025-01-21 Export PINE TAEDA APG S4S 16 BUNDLE S 7680 PIECES 46,88 CBM ORD ER: PO WTD-24-505 TOTAL NET WEIGHT: 49300,00 KGS TOTAL G ROSS WEIGHT: 49700,00 KGS NCM : 4407.11.00 P.E.: 24 084 E C01 005444YPINE TAEDA APG S4S 22 BUNDLE S 5280 PIECES 51,32 CBM ORD ER: PO WTD-24-515 UNITED STATES W***. More
2025-01-21 Export TCKU 617265-1 PINE TAEDA APG S4S 26 BUNDLES 12000 PIECES 47,00 CBM ORDER: PO WTD-24- 280 SUDU 858261-1 PINE TAE DA APG S4S 20 BUNDLES 9600 P IECES 50,11 CBM ORDER: PO W TD-24-532 CAAU 914880-5 PITCKU 617265-1 PINE TAEDA APG S4S 26 BUNDLES 12000 PIECES 47,00 CBM ORDER: PO WTD-24- 280 SUDU 858261-1 PINE TAE DA APG S4S 20 BUNDLES 9600 P IECES 50,11 CBM ORDER: PO W TD-24-532 CAAU 914880-5 PI UNITED STATES W***. More
2025-01-13 Export PINE TAEDA APG S4S 18 BUNDLE S 5760 PIECES 53,10 CBM ORDE R: PO WTD 24-511 TOTAL NET WEIGHT: 26860,00 KGS TOTAL GR OSS WEIGHT: 27060,00 KGS NCM: 4407.11.00 P.E.: 24 084 EC01 005243L UNITED STATES W***. More
2025-01-08 Export MRSU 517074-7 PINE TAEDA APG S4S 28 BUNDLES 8320 PIECES 51,20 CBM ORDER: PO WTD 24-27 5 MARKS: 00039 TCKU 750635 -2 PINE TAEDA APG S4S 28 BU NDLES 8320 PIECES 51,20 CBM ORDER: PO WTD 24-276 MARKS: 0SUDU 852478-6 PINE TAEDA APG S4S 28 BUNDLES 8320 PIECES 51,20 CBM ORDER: PO WTD 24-27 8 MARKS: 00037 TOTAL NET W EIGHT: 125080,00 KGS TOTAL GR OSS WEIGHT: 126080,00 KGS NCM : 4407.11.00 P.E.: 24 084 EC UNITED STATES W***. More