NBD Company Number:36VN100114441001
The latest trade data of this company is 2021-11-11
VIETNAM Importer/Exporter
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:5738 Buyers:34 Suppliers:61
Related Product HS Code: 28182000 39172929 39173999 39269053 39269059 39269099 40169390 40169959 40169999 70189090 73041900 73043990 73049090 73064090 73069099 73079190 73079210 73079990 73144900 73181510 73181590 73181690 73181910 73181990 73182100 73182200 73182400 73182990 73209090 73269099 74071040 74072900 74112900 74151090 74153900 74199999 76042990 76081000 76082000 76161020 76161090 76169990 83099089 84811019 84818099 84821000 84825000 84849000 85013140 85065000 85168090 85353020 85364199 85371019 85372029 85372090 85389020 85471000 90223000
CÔNG TY TNHH ABB POWER GRIDS VIỆT NAM, CHI NHÁNH BẮC NINH was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-01-26. It is the first time for CÔNG TY TNHH ABB POWER GRIDS VIỆT NAM, CHI NHÁNH BẮC NINH to appear in the customs data of the VIETNAM,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 5738 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of CÔNG TY TNHH ABB POWER GRIDS VIỆT NAM, CHI NHÁNH BẮC NINH, 34 procurers and 61 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2021 | Export | 27 | 51 | 12 | 1575 | 0 |
2020 | Export | 11 | 14 | 2 | 1488 | 0 |
2020 | Import | 61 | 52 | 11 | 2675 | 0 |
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Recent customs import and export records of CÔNG TY TNHH ABB POWER GRIDS VIỆT NAM, CHI NHÁNH BẮC NINH are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2020-12-30 | Import | 76169990 | UA311680P01#&TRỤ DẪN ĐIỆN CỐ ĐỊNH BẰNG NHÔM KÍCH THƯỚC: D=170MM, L= 275 MM | CHINA | X***. | More |
2020-12-30 | Import | 76169990 | 2GHV040806P0001#&ỐNG DI CHUYỂN TIẾP XÚC BẰNG NHÔM, D=311MM, L= 500MM | CHINA | Y***D | More |
2020-12-30 | Import | 76169990 | 2GBD000780-001#&CẦN ĐẨY BẰNG NHÔM | CHINA | X***. | More |
2020-12-30 | Import | 73049090 | 2GHV047539P0001#&ỐNG CỐ ĐỊNH TIẾP XÚC BẰNG THÉP, D= 366MM, L= 730MM | CHINA | Y***D | More |
2020-12-30 | Import | 76169990 | 2GBD000021-001#&CẦN ĐẨY BẰNG NHÔM | CHINA | X***. | More |
2021-11-11 | Export | 85389020 | 2GBD000325-005-NPL: Dynamic contact parts of high-voltage current interrupt machines, 2GBD000325-005 (transfer MDSD 3PC Category 4 TK 103896227850 / E31) | VIETNAM | A***H | More |
2021-11-11 | Export | 74199999 | 2GHV043241P0001: Bronze contact latch, diameter 18, 299 mm long, 2GHV043241P0001 (MDSD transfer 7pc item 1 TK 104255704010 / E31) | VIETNAM | A***H | More |
2021-11-11 | Export | 73269099 | 9ABA460152P0116: Steel alloy torque round, 9ABA460152P0116 (MDSD transfer 300pc item 1 tk 103846788360 / E31) | VIETNAM | A***H | More |
2021-11-11 | Export | 76169990 | 2GHV347138P0001: Rotation with aluminum alloys, 123mm outer diameter, 82mm in diameter, 35mm height, 2GHV347138P0001 (MDSD transfer 3pc item 1 TK 103735258320 / E31) | VIETNAM | A***H | More |
2021-11-11 | Export | 76169990 | 2GHV347140P0001: Rotation with aluminum alloy, 123mm outer diameter, 68mm in diameter, 40mm height, 2GHV347140P0001 (MDSD transfer 1pc item 2 TK 103839454130 / E31) | VIETNAM | A***H | More |