NBD Company Number:36VN0305217938
The latest trade data of this company is 2023-03-09
VIETNAM Importer/Exporter
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:64 Buyers:1 Suppliers:1
Related Product HS Code: 37011000 39269099 40103900 42021299 90318090 90319019 96039090
Related Trading Partners: AI-KWANG TECH CO., LTD. , AI-KWANG TECH CO., LTD. MORE
KIM TAI LINH CO., LTD. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-05-17. It is the first time for KIM TAI LINH CO., LTD. to appear in the customs data of the VIETNAM,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 64 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of KIM TAI LINH CO., LTD., 1 procurers and 1 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2023 | Export | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2022 | Export | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2022 | Import | 1 | 7 | 4 | 28 | 0 |
2021 | Export | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 0 |
2021 | Import | 1 | 9 | 1 | 27 | 0 |
Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of KIM TAI LINH CO., LTD. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of KIM TAI LINH CO., LTD. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2023-03-09.
Recent customs import and export records of KIM TAI LINH CO., LTD. are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2022-07-26 | Import | 90279091 | Chổi quét dùng để kiểm tra độ xốp lớp phủ của sơn, đường kính 14", chất liệu chổi: làm bằng đồng, vành bằng nhôm, bánh xe bằng nhựa - Brushes Pipe External 14". Nhà sản xuất: PCWI. Hàng mới 100% | AUSTRALIA | A***. | More |
2022-07-08 | Import | 90248010 | Máy kiểm tra từ tính dùng để kiểm tra vết nứt sắt thép, model: MP-A2, S/N: MP4428, MP4429, MP4430, MP4431, MP4432. Hiệu: Kyung Do. Công suất: 220V/50Hz. Hàng mới 100% | KOREA | A***. | More |
2022-07-08 | Import | 90318090 | Dụng cụ dùng để kiểm tra độ từ tính của sắt thép, làm bằng sắt. Hiệu: Kyung Do. Hàng mới 100% | KOREA | A***. | More |
2022-07-08 | Import | 37011000 | Phim X-Ray (X-Quang) công nghiệp dùng để chụp ảnh trong công nghiệp IX100 4.5"x8.5", (4 1/2"x8 1/2"), 100 cái/hộp (không dùng trong y tế). Hàng mới 100% | JAPAN | A***. | More |
2022-07-01 | Import | 37011000 | Phim X-Ray (X-Quang) công nghiệp dùng để chụp ảnh trong công nghiệp IX50 8.5x30.5cm, 100 cái/hộp (không dùng trong y tế). Hàng mới 100% | JAPAN | A***. | More |
2023-03-09 | Export | 37011000 | INDUSTRIAL X-RAY FILM FOR INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IX100 8.5X30.5CM, (100 PIECES/BOX, 10 BOXES/CARTON). 100% BRAND NEW#&JP | TAIWAN (CHINA) | A***. | More |
2022-03-07 | Export | 37011000 | X-ray films for photography in IX100 industry 8.5x30.5cm, (100 pieces / box, 10 boxes / barrels). 100% new goods # & jp | TAIWAN (CHINA) | A***. | More |
2021-11-01 | Export | 37011000 | X-ray films for photography in IX100 industry 8.5x30.5cm, (100 pieces / box, 10 boxes / barrels). 100% new goods # & jp | TAIWAN (CHINA) | A***. | More |
2021-07-23 | Export | 37011000 | X-RAY FILM USED TO TAKE RADIOACTIVE IMAGES IN INDUSTRIAL IX100 8.5X30.5CM (100 PCS / BOX, 10 BOXES / BARRELS). 100% NEW GOODS # & JP | TAIWAN (CHINA) | A***. | More |
2021-07-23 | Export | 37011000 | X-RAY FILM USED TO TAKE RADIOACTIVE IMAGES IN IX50 8.5X30.5CM INDUSTRY (100PCS / BOX, 10 BOXES / BARRELS). 100% NEW GOODS # & JP | TAIWAN (CHINA) | A***. | More |