NBD Company Number:35N100021225
Address:45 INDUSTRIAL PL NEWTON, MA 02461-1950 US
The latest trade data of this company is 2024-12-26
UNITED STATES Importer/Exporter
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:414 Buyers:23 Suppliers:20
Related Product HS Code: 28418000 2849 28499090 73101000 81011000 810295 810320,0 81032000 81032019
Related Trading Partners: SIEPE GMBH , A&R MERCHANTS INC. , УМЗ MORE
HC STARCK INC. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2020-12-02. It is the first time for HC STARCK INC. to appear in the customs data of the UNITED STATES,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 414 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of HC STARCK INC., 23 procurers and 20 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2023 | Import | 3 | 2 | 2 | 13 | 0 |
2022 | Export | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 0 |
2022 | Import | 6 | 2 | 4 | 54 | 0 |
2021 | Export | 21 | 9 | 3 | 93 | 0 |
2021 | Import | 13 | 5 | 9 | 95 | 0 |
2020 | Import | 11 | 3 | 7 | 153 | 0 |
Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of HC STARCK INC. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of HC STARCK INC. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2024-12-26.
Recent customs import and export records of HC STARCK INC. are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2024-12-26 | Import | 8103200000 | 1. ОБРАЗЦЫ СЛИТКА ТАНТАЛОВОГО,---ЭЛП-2, ИЗГОТОВЛЕННЫЕ ИЗ ПАРТИЙ СЫРЬЯ №№U111-U112, U117-U1113, 36 ШТ, ОБРАЗЕЦ 5.2 ОТ ПРОДУКЦИИ 5.2 | KAZAKHSTAN | У***З | More |
2024-07-29 | Import | 8103200000 | 1. ОБРАЗЦЫ СЛИТКА ТАНТАЛОВОГО,---ЭЛП-2, ИЗГОТОВЛЕННЫЕ ИЗ ПАРТИЙ СЫРЬЯ №№L31681, L31682, L31683, L64851, L64852, L66711-L66715, L4291-L4307, 27 ШТ, ОБРАЗЕЦ 5.2 ОТ ПРОДУКЦИИ 5.2 | KAZAKHSTAN | У***З | More |
2024-06-27 | Import | 8103200000 | 1. ОБРАЗЦЫ СЛИТКА ТАНТАЛОВОГО,---ЭЛП-2, ИЗГОТОВЛЕННЫЕ ИЗ ПАРТИЙ СЫРЬЯ №№L31681, L31682, L31683, L64851, L64852, L66711-L66715, L4291-L4307, 27 ШТ, ОБРАЗЕЦ 5.2 ОТ ПРОДУКЦИИ 5.2 | KAZAKHSTAN | У***З | More |
2023-11-09 | Import | CONICAL STEEL DRUM 70L | GERMANY | S***H | More | |
2023-09-29 | Import | 8103200000 | 1. ОБРАЗЦЫ СЛИТКА ТАНТАЛОВОГО, ЭЛП-2, ИЗГОТОВЛЕННЫЕ ИЗ ПАРТИЙ СЫРЬЯ №№L160, L161, L162, L163, L164, L165, L166, L167, L168, L169, L170, L171, L172, L173, L174, L175, L176, L177, L178, L179, L180, L181, L182, L183, L184, L185, L186, L187, L189, L190, L191, L192, L193, L194, L195, L 196, L197, L198, L199 L200, L201, L202, L203, 30 ШТ, ОБРАЗЕЦ 5.2 ОТ ПРОДУКЦИИ 5.2 | KAZAKHSTAN | У***З | More |
2022-06-30 | Export | 8102950000 | DO 39634 DECLARACION(1-1) SHIPMENT: 1916261, ORDEN NO°4590045302,CRISTALERIA PELDAR S.A., | COLOMBIA | C***. | More |
2022-05-27 | Export | 8417900000 | DO 39396 DECLARACION(1-1) SHIPMENT 1896357 PO 4590044463 CRISTALERIA PELDAR S.A CODIGO UAT | COLOMBIA | C***. | More |
2021-12-25 | Export | 8102950000 | BARRA H.C. STARCK S/M | PERU | N***. | More |
2021-11-09 | Export | 84314390 | MP 35 INSERT HANGING-MP35N 3117301-07 REV D SWOP P/NO:01099278 (BATCH NO:2308767) | INDIA | S***. | More |
2021-11-02 | Export | 81021000 | 01046849(MOLYBDENUM METAL POWDER)MIMP MMP TYPE I(3.5 TO 5.5UM)BATCH NO MMPB15433 | INDIA | I*** | More |