NBD Company Number:32N100112411
The latest trade data of this company is 2024-12-23
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:555 Buyers:0 Suppliers:89
Related Product HS Code: 34060000 39231090 39249090 39259000 39263000 39269020 39269099 42022900 49100000 49111010 49111090 49119990 61051000 66019900 69111000 69119000 69120000 69131010 69131090 70134900 70200090 73084090 73239910 73239990 73269099 76082000 83014020 83024290 83025000 83063099 84145999 84213920 84248990 84439990 84715090 84716090 84717099 84718010 84718090 84719030 84729060 84733090 84798939 84799040 85044011 85044019 85044090 85065000 85098090 85171800 85176221 85176229 85176249 85176299 85176900 85177099 85181090 85182210 85182290 85184090 85185090 85189090 85192090 85219099 85234999 85238099 85255000 85256000 85258040 85285910 85291099 85299099 85362019 85365069 85365099 85366911 85366919 85366923 85366999 85369099 85371019 85371092 85371099 85372090 85381012 85389019 85389020 85392120 85393990
INTELLISMART TECHNOLOGY INC. was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2021-01-26. It is the first time for INTELLISMART TECHNOLOGY INC. to appear in the customs data of the PHILIPPINES,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 555 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of INTELLISMART TECHNOLOGY INC., 0 procurers and 89 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2023 | Import | 7 | 19 | 7 | 60 | 0 |
2022 | Import | 25 | 48 | 8 | 104 | 0 |
2021 | Import | 23 | 69 | 11 | 213 | 0 |
2020 | Import | 32 | 46 | 10 | 137 | 0 |
Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of INTELLISMART TECHNOLOGY INC. , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of INTELLISMART TECHNOLOGY INC. and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2024-12-23.
Recent customs import and export records of INTELLISMART TECHNOLOGY INC. are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2024-12-23 | Import | 85182190000 | DIGITAL SPEAKER | UNITED KINGDOM | Q***B | More |
2024-12-21 | Import | 85389019000 | 200 PCS CLASSIC PLATE 3M TECHNOPOLYMER WHIT | ITALY | V***A | More |
2024-12-17 | Import | 90262090000 | PRESSURE GAUGE | DENMARK | H***. | More |
2024-12-16 | Import | 48234090100 | EMPTY PACKAGING FOR PISTACCHIOS | ITALY | F***L | More |
2024-12-16 | Import | 48234090100 | EMPTY PACKAGING FOR CHOCOLATES CREAM | ITALY | F***L | More |