NBD Company Number:27IN018000596057000
Address:Jl. Raya Anyer No.KM 10, Tegalratu, Kec. Ciwandan, Kota Cilegon, Banten 42445, Indonesia
The latest trade data of this company is 2024-06-28
INDONESIA Importer/Exporter
Data Source:Customs Data
Records:700 Buyers:12 Suppliers:112
Related Product HS Code: 17011400 25051000 27101990 28275900 28275990 28417000 28417090 29051600 29051690 34021200 34039990 38021000 39100090 39140000 39269089 40169310 40169320 40169919 40169959 48232010 72192400 73181500 73269030 74122099 75089090 82060000 84069000 84099124 84119900 84123100 84135040 84137049 84139120 84139140 84139190 84149091 84189900 84189990 84199019 84211910 84212990 84213920 84213990 84219120 84219190 84219999 84313990 84389011 84389029 84669400 84718010 84732100 84749010 84799010 84799030 84811000 84811011 84818030 84818050 84818099 84819049 84821000 84822000 84828000 84831090 84831099 84836000 84841000 84849000 85049090 85235119 85362019 85369099 85371099 85444213 87089919 90259010 90278010 90278040 90278090 90279090 90318010 90328990 90330000 90330010 96039040
PT. SENTRA USAHATAMA JAYA was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on 2020-12-02. It is the first time for PT. SENTRA USAHATAMA JAYA to appear in the customs data of the INDONESIA,and at present, NBD Customs Data system has included 700 customs import and export records related to it, and among the trade partners of PT. SENTRA USAHATAMA JAYA, 12 procurers and 112 suppliers have been included in NBD Trade Data.
Year | Import/Export | Partner Count | Category Count | Region Count | Entries Total | Total Value |
2023 | Export | 3 | 1 | 1 | 24 | 0 |
2023 | Import | 15 | 4 | 2 | 38 | 0 |
2022 | Export | 2 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 0 |
2022 | Import | 37 | 15 | 2 | 135 | 0 |
2021 | Export | 5 | 2 | 1 | 14 | 0 |
2021 | Import | 62 | 24 | 11 | 224 | 0 |
2020 | Import | 41 | 36 | 11 | 250 | 0 |
Using NBD Trade Data can help the users comprehensively analyze the main trade regions of PT. SENTRA USAHATAMA JAYA , check the customs import and export records of this company in NBD Trade Data System till now, master the upstream and downstream procurers and suppliers of this company, find its new commodities procured or supplied, search the contact information of PT. SENTRA USAHATAMA JAYA and the procurement decision maker's E-mail address. NBD Trade Data System is updated once every three days. At present, the latest trade data of this company have been updated until 2024-06-28.
Recent customs import and export records of PT. SENTRA USAHATAMA JAYA are as follows:
Date | Imp & Exp | HS CODE | Product Description | Country | Imp or Exp Company | Details |
2024-06-25 | Import | 17011400 | RAW CANE SUGAR IN BULK | BRAZIL | U***. | More |
2024-06-25 | Import | 17011400 | RAW CANE SUGAR IN BULK | BRAZIL | T***. | More |
2024-05-30 | Import | 84839099 | CLAMPING SET 85X125 | GERMANY | B***E | More |
2024-05-06 | Import | 84069000 | REPLACEMENT SPARE PARTS FOR STEAM TURBINE FOR GENERATOR TURBINE #4 / MODEL : DNG42-65H / SN 1011474 1ST STAGE NOZZLE | JAPAN | S***. | More |
2024-04-09 | Import | 17011400 | RAW CANE SUGAR IN BULK | BRAZIL | R***A | More |
2024-06-28 | Export | 17019910 | 200MT OF WHITE REFINED SUGAR | FIJI | C***D | More |
2024-06-18 | Export | 17019910 | 20 MT OF CASTER SUGAR (REFINED SUGAR) PACKED IN 1000KG PP BAGS | SINGAPORE | S***. | More |
2024-06-10 | Export | 17019910 | 200MT OF WHITE REFINED SUGAR | FIJI | C***D | More |
2024-06-05 | Export | 17019910 | 250 MT OF INDONESIAN REFINED SUGAR PACKED IN 50KG PP BAGS | HONG KONG (CHINA) | G***. | More |
2024-06-03 | Export | 17019910 | 300MT OF WHITE REFINED SUGAR | FIJI | C***D | More |